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Find here all the data available at OFCO about the seafood industry in Vietnam.

You are looking for Exporting data per seafood species, Market analysis, Importing data from Vietnam, Suppliers in Vietnam, etc.. This is here you will find the most accurate and reliable information.

VALUE from 2012 -> 2022 (latest available)

Graph 1 - Overall evolution since 1998

Section 1 - Data Analysis per Country

Disclaimer :

*Most of the data are coming from the VASEP and are computed by OFCO team to be usable. Few data are missing or might not be 100% accurate.

*Category 'Others' is calculated by subtracting 'all other categories from the total.

*Category 'Surimi' is newly available since 2023.

*Country 'Others' is the sum of all the small importing countries for which we don't have the detailed repartition.

*Data for the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the Republic of the Congo are agglomerated together, and only informative for the total value.

Graph 2 - Yearly proprtion

Section 2 - Data Analysis per Continent

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